Unfortunately, registration is now full. You can still register to be placed on the waitlist, and will be contacted if a spot becomes available.
Be sure to submit your registration form as quickly as possible, as spots tend to fill very shortly after registration opens. Once your registration form has been received, you will be contacted via email to know if you registered in time or if you're on the waitlist. If you registered in time, you will then be told that you have 24 hours to submit payment. Individual registration costs $186.45 ($165 + HST). If you do not submit payment before the time is up, you will forfeit your spot to the next player on the waitlist. If you are registering as an individual, do not provide payment until you have received a confirmation email.
Be sure to submit your registration form as quickly as possible, as spots tend to fill very shortly after registration opens. Once your registration form has been received, you will be contacted via email to know if you registered in time or if you're on the waitlist. If you registered in time, you will then be told that you have 24 hours to submit payment. Individual registration costs $186.45 ($165 + HST). If you do not submit payment before the time is up, you will forfeit your spot to the next player on the waitlist. If you are registering as an individual, do not provide payment until you have received a confirmation email.
All prices include HST
HST #794377531RT0001
HST #794377531RT0001